
Atelier Yoga Sophro

Thursday May 22 at 18:00 p.m.
Santosha 24 avenue de la gare 30700 Uzès
Yoga and sophrology offer a range of benefits for the body and mind. Come and release the pressure during this workshop.
Let's meet up for some time for ourselves to discover tools that combine body work through Yoga and mental calming through sophrology.
These two disciplines will offer you tools for calm and revitalization, in a sometimes demanding daily life.
Murielle, sophrologist, will invite you to explore different ways to relieve stress and anxiety and Morgane, Yoga teacher, will guide you through a body journey to find a peaceful space.

Morgane, certified yoga teacher
Murielle Sophrologist
Limited places, register by text message by contacting Morgane on 06 64 38 11 88 or Murielle on 06 38 22 57 73.
Price: 20 euros


  • Yoga

All dates and times

Opening hours on May 22, 2025
ThursdayOpens at 18 p.m.

Admission fees

Admission feesMin.Max.
Single price
20 €Not disclosed

Payment methods

  • Cheque
  • Cash
  • Online payment

Access map


24 avenue de la gare
30700 Uzès
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